Indigenous Education Pedagogy Reading

Fostering Partnerships

One thing I would consider to ensure that key members of the Indigenous community are engaged with the reading program is to ensure that their voice is being heard within the reading program. Starting by including authentic texts, but to ensure there is actual engagement with the community I would approach them for recommendations of texts to use – what would they consider to be authentic and timely texts that would be good to use in my program? What authors would speak to the community in particular – how would I be able to have a focus on stories and texts that are actually relevant? I would ask for community input.

The reading program would be part of an overall literacy program – so I think it would be important to include representation of oral traditions in the program – even if they are not directly connected to reading, it would definitely be appropriate to have people coming in to orally tell stories connected to the community – elders, knowledge keepers, etc… This would be engaging for the school community as well as the community as a whole.

Having a variety of opportunities for the community to come in to participate in the reading program would be great as well – volunteers during the day, and special reading activities in the evening for people who are unable to attend daytime activities could foster engagement with the reading program.